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A Little Bit on Morcove


Note:  As per the master listing of The Schoolgirls Own, reference to any original story featured with a later re-print of the story in The Schoolgirls’ Own Library shown in this article is as per example: SO 468-472 Althea Marshall, the Lonely New Girl (SGOL 689 Alone at Morcove)

Horace Phillips, writing as Marjorie Stanton, based his famous Morcove around the locality of Mortehoe, North Devon.  Phillips seemed to know the area well, or maybe he actually lived in the area, as he based some of his localities on actual places around Mortehoe.

Dennis L Bird, author of several articles for the Story Paper Collector’s Digest, wrote a series entitled Morcove MusingsNo 6, which was published in the Collectors Digest of October 1996, highlights his visit to Morcove.  He makes reference to places named Buttercombe Barton, Stowford Barton, Woolscott Barton and Damage Barton, which could possibly have influenced Phillips to choose the surname Barton for Morcove’s heroine, Betty Barton.  Also Lundy Island for Earl and Countess of Lundy.  Barnstaple and Ilfracombe for Barncombe. You can read the article on page 18 of the Collectors Digest issue 598 here.

There are some other places listed below:

Braunton Sands for Braunton.

Woodicombe for Woolacombe.  Tess Trelawney’s home is at Woodicombe.

Sawnton House for Saunton.  Sawnton House is an ill-fated mansion where Morcove moved to after the school was forced to abandon its building.

Coombe Towers and Combe House School for Combe Martin.  Mrs Channing, a good friend of Miss Somerfield, lives at Coombe Towers, and Combe House School featured early in the Morcove saga.

In SO 631 - My Dear Readers, is a clue that he could have lived in Devon.  The Editor states that he had a visit from Marjorie Stanton and ‘she’ goes on to describe her home and countryside in fine detail.

As Phillips’ Morcove saga developed, so did his countryside surrounding Morcove.  Towns, villages, farms, railways, open moorland, windswept tors, roads, tracks, palatial country mansions, derelict mansions, tumble down cottages, picturesque cottages, shipwrecks, high spots and low spots.  Some earlier localities such as Morcove Village and Stormwood Village disappear, and new ones come to life.  Barncombe, with Barncombe Castle located along Castle Hill overlooking the town, remains a constant.  AND not forgetting The Creamery, that famous rendezvous for countless Morcove girls .Leonard Shields, Morcoves illustrator, managed to capture the spirit and essence of the Morcove locality, as well as bringing Morcove School, the staff and especially - the girls! to life.

A few years ago, I attempted to draw a map of the countryside, and then a map of Barncombe itself, based on the stories that I had.  At present, I am on my 7th attempt at the Morcove map, and as I am lucky enough to obtain and read more Morcove stories, some of the ‘boundaries keep changing’ as I learn more.  A continuing stumbling block has proved to be the actual placement of Cliff Edge and Dolly Delane’s cottage in between Morcove and the Headland Hotel.  Both Cliff Edge and Dolly’s can be seen from Morcove.  Even though Cliff Edge is closest to Morcove, illustrations show nothing between Dolly Delanes’ and Morcove.  Not very important I suppose, but extremely frustrating!  Even re-reading a particular story can influence a slight change in the placement of other localities/buildings, just after I thought I had got it right!  The Barncombe map after a second attempt, is shaping up hopefully to the consistent that was in Phillips’ head.  I don’t know if there have been any maps published, I did hear a whisper that there was at one stage, however none of my Morcove collection highlights a map.  Perhaps someone out there may know?   Although the mapping is an ongoing project, sooner or later it will be uploaded onto this website so anyone interested can have a look at it.

Within what I call Morcove’s immediate vicinity are Morcove School itself, Morcove Road Railway Station, Cliff Edge Bungalow, Dolly Delane’s Cottage and the Headland Hotel, so here is a little something on each.

Morcove School

Morcove School, with its Grecian columns, is situated high on a westerly facing headland, overlooking the wild Atlantic Ocean, with Gull Island as a popular rendezvous out on the bay.  The school building however, does not front onto the ocean, instead fronts onto the main road leading to Barncombe one way, and a meandering way to Droverton the other.  There are many high headlands in this area, with little peaceful bays in between.  In one such little bay just below Morcove are the schools’ stone jetty, bathing beach and cave, which the girls use for changing.  This beach is reached by zig zag steps hewn into the rocky cliff face, from the top of the cliff down onto the beach.  A little further along the beach are other zig zag steps, which lead up to Cliff Edge Bungalow.  Cliff Edge has a cave located just below it, which is used as a private boat house and storage area just below it.  This cave has latticed gates at the entrance.  After the building of the Headland Hotel, another set of steps were created so that the beach can be accessed.  As well as all of these peaceful little bays, Morcove’s coast line has its fair share of extremely dangerous areas, with many jagged rocky outcrops such as Old Man’s Hat near Cliff Edge Bungalow.  This rough and rugged coastline makes for excellent hiding places for various important documents, such as the ones that formed the central pivot in SO 379-382 Pam Willoughby Makes Good (SGOL 627 Called Back to Morcove) and SO 468-472 Althea Marshall, the Lonely New Girl (SGOL 689 Alone at Morcove)

Numerous caves also abound in the high cliffs, some of which were used for smuggling in the old days, and indeed during Morcove’s time, such as in SO280-284 Return of Audrey Blain as Servant (SGOL 507 The Mystery Servant of Morcove).  Some of the cliffs are also extremely treacherous, such as the one near the Headland Hotel that Pam fell over in SO592-597 Pam and Hetty Inter Sports.  Also there are fissures in the cliffs, one in particular which is the outlet for an underground river, that caused so much havoc for the ill-fated Watermoor Grange, the old mansion which Helen Craig’s Father was almost duped into purchasing from a relative of the Grandways family - SO 170-173 Return of Cora and Judith (SGOL 279 A Second Chance at Morcove)


Morcove School is about four miles in a south westerly direction from Barncombe, which is the main market town in the area.  In between Morcove School and Barncombe, lie Morcove Road railway station, Dolly Delane’s parents’ small holding of about ten to twelve acres, Cliff Edge Bungalow and the Headland Hotel.  A little further on south westerly from Morcove, is the famed Gull Island.


Morcove Road and the railway line



The railway is an integral part of Morcove.  The main line from London that runs through Exeter, terminates at Barncombe.  There is the little branch line from Barncombe which terminates at Morcove Road.  In previous days when the chalk quarries, about a mile inland from Morcove were worked, the line presumably terminated at the quarries.  Frequently mentioned in the early part of the saga is a stop named Seagap Halt, probably in the vicinity of Half Way Hill.  Half Way Hill is the steep hill that Paula always finds hard to cycle up!  There is another branch line that runs from Barncombe near to and past Grangemoor, Swanlake and Woodicombe.  Such is the dependency of the railway on Morcove, it frequently waits for its passengers, such as in SO 548-552 Hetty Curzon, New Girl where Madge Minden is late for the train.  Oh, to have such personal service these days!

Extracts from a couple of SO’s regarding the railway line -

SO 318-323 Cheated By Her Chum (SGOL 555 She Cheated Her Morcove Chum):  As the train fussed along to Barncombe, winding amongst the little valleys of the moorland country, Dolly sat so that she could be sure of getting at least one or two last glimpses of the school.  Presently the line was running close to the familiar high road, and she could see a certain spot that was associated with very vivid memories.  This of course, is where Daphne Cranford was rescued by Dolly Delane, who was with Grace Garfield.  Daphne mistakes the identity of her rescuer and the huge reward goes to Grace instead of Dolly.

SO 557 When a Prefect PlottedSuddenly the go-as-you-please ”local” was pulled up in a cutting.  It was the sort of thing that often happened on that little-used branch line, where plate-layers could even ask a train to wait instead of interrupting their work to let it pass…and…The engine whistled, and the whole train jolted on again, the rattle-rattle of such old rolling-stock drowning the muffled voices (Of the Fourth)


Dolly Delane’s cottage

This is about a quarter of a mile from Cliff Edge Bungalow.  Dolly and her parents move to this small-holding of 10 to 12 acres after being unfairly forced out of Fallowfield Farm which they ran for the bombastic Squire Hemshaw in Rambourne, Hampshire.  Dolly, one of the most popular girls at Morcove, decides to look for accommodation for her parents, and comes across the long neglected small-holding available near Morcove School.  Dolly is also forced to leave the school.  A new girl named Althea Marshall starts at Morcove, and she happens to be the youngest sister of the elder Marshall sister and good for nothing brother whom Squire Hemshaw has installed to run the Rambourne farm.  A document that the Delanes know about but cannot find is the central part of this story, and the plot gradually builds up to its climax, which exposes Dick Marshall as being the villain of the piece who has found the requisite document and keeps it for his own unscrupulous ends. Not unnaturally Althea, along with her sister Margaret are considered the enemy by the Delanes and the Morcove girls.  After it is proved that the Delanes can rightfully claim Fallowfield, they decide not to return to the farm, but stay at the small-holding   Dolly returns to Morcove as a day girl, and the small-holding becomes very well known in the district for its hospitality and home produce. SO 468-472 Althea Marshall, the Lonely New Girl (SGOL 689 Alone at Morcove)

Many of Morcove’s stories are centered around Dolly’s cottage, including the Headland Hotel development.

Later on in the Morcove saga Delanes move to Cromlech Manor, a run down country house which they inherit, and with the same energetic hard work, gradually build up Cromlech into another successful venture.  Dolly leaves Morcove once again.  Cromlech is about 57 miles from Morcove, however contact with Morcove is maintained and the girls frequently spend holidays at the Manor.  The small-holding seems to disappear off the Morcove radar after the Delanes leave, although it is nice to presume that perhaps it does become part of the Headland Hotel complex as a working small-holding.


The Headland Hotel


Approximately one mile from Morcove, this hotel is an eagerly anticipated and important addition to the Morcove district.  Its beginnings are regaled in SO 640-644 Brenda Fordyce/Headland Hotel.  Polly and Naomer sum it up in these few words, as the girls are on the train from Barncombe to Morcove Road Railway Station, upon their return to Morcove for the Summer term: 

“Mind you,” Polly carried on the talk, “I’d never see any objection to a really fine hotel being put up close to the school –“

“No, bekas, we could go there to tea sometimes!” piped in Naomer joyously.  “And eet would be somewhere for mothers and fathers to stay, when zey came to see their girls; and zen zey would ask us out to dine – gorjus!  Bekas –“

To put a thrilling twist to this story, Cora Grandways’ Father Josiah Grandways, the extremely ruthless business man who has featured in many Morcove stories with his scheming, is the Managing Director of the Syndicate responsible for acquiring the land and subsequently building of The Headland Hotel.   Perhaps in hind sight, about the only good thing he does for the area, even though much havoc and heartache is wrought upon others with his underhanded ways!  Grandways also acquires the famous Cliff Edge Bungalow for the duration.  Cora has not been allowed back at Morcove after the Fallowfield School affair SO 614-618 Polly Linton at Fallowfield School, so she is staying at Cliff Edge Bungalow during the building of the hotel.  Cora continues to be a thorn in the flesh of the Morcove girls.  George Amberley, Josiah Grandways business partner in the Syndicate, places his ward and niece, Brenda Fordyce at Morcove School during the development phase.  Brenda very quickly makes friends at Morcove.  Unfortunately, Amberley has been duped by Grandways.  A problem with the hotel development is that the location of the Delane’s smallholding is a stumbling block with the development of the hotel.  Grandways begins his scheming to oust the Delanes.  Brenda soon realises that her Uncle has been duped by Grandways and that Grandways is showing his unscrupulous hand with the Delanes.  Brenda pretends a great friendship with Cora in order to eventually expose the Grandways and to protect the Delanes.  Naturally, this ‘friendship; doesn’t go down too well with the Study 12 coterie and much angst is suffered.  Eventually though, all is revealed and Josiah Grandways, and Cora, clear out.   George Amberley is left to carry on with the building. Unfortunately, we don’t hear any more of Brenda in later Morcove stories.  It is presumed that she leaves Morcove when the building is completed.

It is also interesting to note that The Headland Hotel story eventuates the final demise of Cora Grandways from the Morcove saga.  One wonders how Cora’s life shapes up!


Whilst the Hotel is being built, Horace Phillips refers to it in stories such as:

SO 645-649 Etta’s Brother in Disgrace page 799:  Once again Morcove noted how the new Headland Hotel was going up apace, and all without marring the amenities of the district.  The enterprise was in good hands, and things were being done in a way that the school heartily applauded.  Rumour had it that the new hotel would be open some time next term, and Morcovians were already revelling in the idea of getting their parents to come down for weekends., and how the Morcove girls are anticipating the opening of this building.

Some stories that feature The Headland Hotel are:

SO 666-670 Pam’s Protegee Shirley Branson.  Ada Sharrow is one of the requisite diabolical individuals at Morcove.  Her Mother, an enemy of the Branson family, uses the Headland Hotel as her base during the Shirley Branson affair.

SO 709-714 Pam New Form Captain. Betty Barton and her Mother, stay here for Betty’s recuperation after a nasty car crash in London.  Miss Kitten is appointed temporary mistress at Morcove.  However, she is an impostor!

SO 715-720 Miss Kitten’s Secret.  Betty and her Mother are still at the hotel, and Mrs Barton’s handbag is stolen.  Miss Kitten wreaks havoc upon the Fourth, whilst favouring the dreadful Denver sisters.  Miss Kitten’s reign is threatened when her younger sister, who is the real school mistress, turns up.  The real mistress after being ruthlessly treated by her elder sister, obtains employment at the Headland as a dance instructress, and the heat is placed upon her when she is accused of stealing the handbag.


Cliff Edge Bungalow, boatshed and caves


Originally known as Cliffedge, Cliff Edge Bungalow, on an acre or two, just along the Barncombe Road from Morcove, makes its first appearance in SO 215-221, South America and Delores Florissa (SGOL 379 When Morcove Was Mystified).  It is described in that story as:  “The low-built, commodious-looking dwelling crowned a headland as high as any along this part of the coast.  Its front windows could not have been more than a hundred yards from the brink of a cliff, falling sheer to the shore, two hundred feet below.  The couple of acres of ground that went with the lonely bungalow had been fenced on either side and at the back, and at present the fence did a good deal to obscure the building from the girls’ eager gaze.”  “Betty & Co. nodded. They were aware that the cliff bungalow stood above one of the numerous seashore caverns, and that the original owner of the dwelling had gone to some expense to convert the cavern below into a private boathouse.”  -

Leonard Shields illustrates Cliff Edge as being very close to the main road, whereas Phillips has varying distances from the Barncombe Road.  Cliff Edge can be seen from the upper floors and dormitories of Morcove.  Nothing is known about the owner of the bungalow.

Some stories centered around Cliff Edge include:

Dave Lawder’s illness, he is sent there to recuperate by his Guardian, Mr Gregory.  This story is briefly mentioned in, however I don’t know of/have the Dave illness story, and of course this is before his parentage is known)

SO 270-274 Hildegard Astovel (SGOL 487 At Morcove Under Guard), SO 363-366 Cora Grandways Disgraced (SGOL 617 The Girl Who Fooled Morcove, SO 367-372 Cora Grandways Reformation (SGOL 623 The Girl Morcove Pitied), SO 426-429 Pam and the Casket of Kangpur ( SGOL 647) Morcove’s Casket of Mystery, SO 509-514 Morcove on the Films, SO 555 Saved By Schoolgirls, SO 564-566 Judith Grandways and Dave Cardew, SO 630-634 Pam and the Strange Secret of Swanlake, SO 640-644 Brenda Fordyce and The Headland Hotel, SO 682-686 Morcove’s Monster From the Sea, SO 727-730 Pam Willoughby Masquerade in London.


The Zig Zag Steps


The zig zag steps are located a couple of hundred metres along the Barncombe Road from Morcove School.  A track leads from the road to the two hundred or so steps that lead down onto the beach from the cliff top. 

These steps would be used dozens of times by Morcove and other characters, so they also form a focal point in the saga.

There are other zig zag steps from the beach up to Cliff Edge Bungalow.  SO 558-560 The Schoolgirl From the Skies shows excellent illustrations of the zig zag steps, which are featured here.

During the Headland Hotel development, Cora Grandways leads Paula Creel a merry dance down the steps when she lets her dog loose.  Paula is not hurt, however badly winded, so she is ‘prostwate and exhausted, geals’, as she is when she rides her bike up Half Way Hill on the way into Barncombe.

The Morcove zig zag steps are damaged by an explosion in SO 764-768 Denver Sisters v Betty Barton.  Not having the full story, I cannot enlarge on the repair to these steps.


Gull Island

Situated almost opposite Morcove School, Gull Island is a popular picnic area for the Morcove girls, a setting for various illicit activities and a one time haunt of smugglers.  Gull Island is quite hilly, and almost covered by gorse and small trees.  Pathways intersperse the island, leading from bay to dense thickets to craggy outcrops.  A small bay on the eastern side of the island is the most popular landing place for the girls.  Gull Island also has a couple of abandoned buildings in various stages of disrepair, that were used as lookout sites by the Coastguard in earlier times.  As stated previously with vagaries with Cliff Edge Bungalow’s proximity to the Barncombe Road, varied distances are also given as to the actual location of Gull Island:

In SO 280-284 Return of Audrey Blain as Servant (SGOL 507 The Mystery Servant of Morcove) Dolly Delane states: “It does always seem as if Gull Island belongs to the school, it is opposite the school’s front door, so to speak”.

It can be seen from the studies (SO 265-269 Ethel Courtway’s Rival (SGOL 471 Ethel Courtway’s Rival), HOWEVER, SO 683-686 Morcove’s Monster From the Sea states that Gull Island is  “Eight miles or more out to sea”.

Another story featuring Gull Island is SO 43-46 The Hidden Schoolgirls (SGOL 91 The Hidden Schoolgirls)