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Hamilton & Co published eleven Goldhawk books over a 12 month period 1952-53. The books were a similar size to the SOL and contained original stories of Tom Merry and Co by the genuine Martin Clifford. You can find full details of the contents in the publications section of  The Greyfriars Index

Click on the links from the table below to download or read online.


   Title  Publisher Date
 1 Tom Merry’s Secret  Gold Hawk  Feb 1952
 2 Tom Merry’s Rival  Gold Hawk  Feb 1952
 3 The Man from the Past  Gold Hawk  March 1952
 4 Who Ragged Railton?  Gold Hawk  March 1952
 5 Skimpole’s Snapshot  Gold Hawk  April 1952
 6 Trouble for Trimble  Gold Hawk  April 1952
 7 D’Arcy in Danger  Gold Hawk  May 1952
 8 D’Arcy on the Warpath  Gold Hawk  July 1952
 9 D’Arcy’s Disappearance  Gold Hawk  Aug 1952
 10 D’Arcy the Reformer  Gold Hawk  Feb 1953
 11 D’Arcy’s Day Off  Gold Hawk  Feb 1953