The Boys' Magazine was published by Allied
Newspapers and ran for a total of 627 issues between 1922 and 1934 before
being incorporated into the Champion.
Edwy Searles Brooks wrote a number of stories
for the Boys' Magazine. Issues containing Brooks stories are listed below.
The listings are based on The Nelson Lee Library and Bibliography of the writings of Edwy
Searles Brooks by Robert C. Blythe, revised by Mark Caldicott 1995.
You will find Mark's website
A number of issues are available for download
courtesy of Bob (Bede) of the Yahoo Scanarama group. If you have any material you would like to share
in the form of scans, photocopies or photographs then please contact me.
The serial 'The Planet Schoolboys' was later
rewritten as a novel and published by Gerald G. Swan entitled 'The School in
Space' using the pen name Reginald Browne. Bob has kindly scanned the book
in full and it can be downloaded in PDF or CBZ format using the links